Those Four (4) certain lots or parcels of land, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated on the southwesterly side of Holmes Street, located in the City of Warwick, County of Kent and State of Rhode Island, laid out and designated as lots numbered Six Hundred Seventy-Eight (678), Six Hundred Seventy-Nine (679), Six Hundred Eighty (680) and Six Hundred Eighty-One (681) on that plat entitled, "Dryden Heights Warwick, RI. May 1911 F.T. Westcott, Eng'r", which plat is recorded in the Land Evidence Records of said City of Warwick in Plat Book 5 at Page 16 and (copy) of Plat Card 214.
Being the same premises conveyed to Waiman Philip Lam, Trustee of the Philip Lam RI Property Trust by deed recorded August 30,2011 in Book 7540 at Page 163.