Terms and Conditions

I fully understand that my reservation payment will be applied towards the purchase of the referenced property and the property will be taken off the market and reservation payment is NOT REFUNDABLE. I have already done all my due diligence and 100% ready to move forward and will pay the remaining balance. I understand I will lose my entire deposit if I do not follow through with purchasing this property. Once down payment is paid my purchase and sale agreement is being created and I will receive this via RightSignature. I will have 24 hours to sign purchase and sale agreement once its sent. Once purchase and sale agreement is signed the remaining balance is due within 72 hours and I fully understand this is a cash only price and I intend to pay in full within this timeframe or I will lose my entire deposit and property will be put back on the market and re-sold to a new buyer. I understand time is of the essence after I make my initial down payment and this is to be taken seriously.